Friday 31 August 2012

How to make new friends

For some people, talking to new people and making new friends is the most natural thing in the world. For others, it really isn’t that easy and can make them feel quite anxious.
True, it isn’t always easy making new friends but there are things you can do to attract people to you and get a good conversation going.
Watch your BODY LAUNGAUGE. Crossed arms, backs turned to people and fidgeting can really send out the wrong message. Keep your head up, make eye contact and above all smile. People really respond to happy people.
Not all conversations have to be deep and meaningful, sometimes SMALL TALK is a great way to get a conversation going and make you feel at ease.
Try and talk to people with COMMON INTERESTS this will immediately make conversation flow more easily and you will always have a topic of conversation to fall back on should other chat dry up.
Above all else, remember SOCIAL SCENES are here to help. We want all our members to have amazing fun and cultivate great new friendships and that’s why all our events are informal and welcoming and above all else inclusive.

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