Tuesday 2 October 2012

Charity starts at home!

As you all know, Social Scenes is based in Brighton and is about making the most of all the fun activities and things to do that this great city has to offer. What we are also only too aware of is that not everyone is as fortunate as we are and as we approach Christmas (yes, I have dared to say the ‘C’ word in October) the season of good will to all men Social Scenes want to do our bit to help.

Off the Fence is a homeless charity based in the Brighton and Hove area. They do amazing work providing help and support to homeless people, but as is the case with most charities they wish they could do more.

Social Scenes is busy thinking of an event we can hold to raise money for this wonderful charity so any ideas, please comment below, we would love to hear them.

In the meantime, if you want to help and have any spare men’s coats, jumpers, socks or sleeping bags that you would like to donate Off the Fence would be more than happy to take them off your hands.

To find out more about Off the Fence, or to donate your time or money check out their website http://www.offthefence.org.uk.

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