Tuesday 16 October 2012

Party Season: A Survival Guide!

It seems that once September is out of the way the party season really kicks off. There are Halloween parties, Bonfire night parties and not to mention the flurry of Christmas parties which seem to start earlier every year. All of this partying is bad for our health, our wallets and our waistlines.

We have put together a few tips to bear in mind as you embark upon the party circuit: 

1. Beat the bloat
If you want to remain looking fabulous in your favourite party dress or most dapper suit, lay off the canapés, however tempting. Most party snacks are wheat-based, the gluten of which can cause bloating and stomach cramps neither of which are a good look.
2. Eat before you meet
Never drink on an empty stomach no matter how much of a rush you’re in, a proper meal will set you up for the evening and your body will thank you for it the morning after.
3. Pop some pills
Vitamin supplements are a good way of supplementing your poor, disco-battered diet. Vitamin B will help sustain your energy levels, while good old Vitamin C will help support your immune system and ease the pain of hangovers.
4. Spot on
Spots have a nasty habit of appearing just before any big occasion. If you don't have time to visit a professional salon, try this at-home treatment. Crush aspirins with water to form a paste then apply to individual spots and leave until the last minute before rinsing off. The aspirins contain salicylic acid which is anti-inflammatory and will calm down red, angry spots.
5. Water water everywhere.
Drinking water is boring but keep reminding yourself that the awful crashing headache you tend to get after a big night out is actually dehydration. Drink plenty of water throughout the evening as well as keeping water by the side of the bed.
6. Avoid mix-ups
Mulled wine, champagne and snowballs might seem like a good idea at the time, but you'll pay the price in the morning. Stick to your usual tipple or go for vodka mixed with soda as it's the purest and lowest sugar alcohol.
7. Grease is not the word
The morning after, you may find you are craving a greasy fry-up but avoid it at all costs as this will leave you feeling sluggish and the fat content will have you piling on the pounds.
8. And breathe
Gentle exercise will work wonders for your poor, partied-out body. Go outside into the fresh air for a short, brisk walk which will get more oxygen into your lungs.

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