Wednesday 24 October 2012

Halloween hits Brighton

We are very much looking forward to our ghoulish ghost walk of The Laines this Halloween where tales of haunting and horror are sure to frighten us.

Join us on Wednesday 31st October at The Druids Head Pub at 8.45pm for a stiff drink to prepare us for the frights ahead and we will head to the walk from there.

What other tricks or treats do you have planned this Halloween? Any traditions you would like to share with us all?

Tuesday 23 October 2012

No need to be lonely with Social Scenes

A recent survey has found that over 35% of people feel lonely of which the loneliest age group were those aged 45-49. Also interesting was that of those polled 70% of those who admitted to being lonely were ashamed of how they felt.

And so the question is are middle aged people facing an epidemic of loneliness and what can we do to remedy it?

Here at Social Scenes we don’t think there is any reason to be lonely, not when you can use our free service to connect with like minded people and make new friends. If you are recently single, new to the area or simply out of touch with old friends why not join and see what we have to offer. It’s free to join and could be just what you need to stop feeling so lonely.

Many people blame technology for a breakdown in friendships and relationships feeling that people send emails and make phone calls instead of visiting in person. Social Scenes focuses on bringing friendships from online to offline with gatherings and events to suit everyone’s tastes. 

To find out more have a look at our website

Thursday 18 October 2012

A weekend of wining and dining

Some weekends are busier than others, and this weekend the Social Scenes diary is jam packed with great things to do. We have our wine tasting tour on Saturday afternoon for which there may still be tickets available and on Saturday evening there is the dinner shuffle which is unfortunately fully booked.

If you like the sound of these events, don’t be shy, we are always looking for suggestions of great things to do. Social Scenes works best when everybody gets involved, so whether it is a day at a museum, an evening at a comedy club or a restaurant you are desperate to try, then tell us all about it and you might be surprised how many people would love to come too!

For up to date information on all upcoming events check out the website

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Party Season: A Survival Guide!

It seems that once September is out of the way the party season really kicks off. There are Halloween parties, Bonfire night parties and not to mention the flurry of Christmas parties which seem to start earlier every year. All of this partying is bad for our health, our wallets and our waistlines.

We have put together a few tips to bear in mind as you embark upon the party circuit: 

1. Beat the bloat
If you want to remain looking fabulous in your favourite party dress or most dapper suit, lay off the canapés, however tempting. Most party snacks are wheat-based, the gluten of which can cause bloating and stomach cramps neither of which are a good look.
2. Eat before you meet
Never drink on an empty stomach no matter how much of a rush you’re in, a proper meal will set you up for the evening and your body will thank you for it the morning after.
3. Pop some pills
Vitamin supplements are a good way of supplementing your poor, disco-battered diet. Vitamin B will help sustain your energy levels, while good old Vitamin C will help support your immune system and ease the pain of hangovers.
4. Spot on
Spots have a nasty habit of appearing just before any big occasion. If you don't have time to visit a professional salon, try this at-home treatment. Crush aspirins with water to form a paste then apply to individual spots and leave until the last minute before rinsing off. The aspirins contain salicylic acid which is anti-inflammatory and will calm down red, angry spots.
5. Water water everywhere.
Drinking water is boring but keep reminding yourself that the awful crashing headache you tend to get after a big night out is actually dehydration. Drink plenty of water throughout the evening as well as keeping water by the side of the bed.
6. Avoid mix-ups
Mulled wine, champagne and snowballs might seem like a good idea at the time, but you'll pay the price in the morning. Stick to your usual tipple or go for vodka mixed with soda as it's the purest and lowest sugar alcohol.
7. Grease is not the word
The morning after, you may find you are craving a greasy fry-up but avoid it at all costs as this will leave you feeling sluggish and the fat content will have you piling on the pounds.
8. And breathe
Gentle exercise will work wonders for your poor, partied-out body. Go outside into the fresh air for a short, brisk walk which will get more oxygen into your lungs.

Friday 12 October 2012

We've got that Friday feeling!

At a loose end this evening? Looking to meet new people and make friends?

Well join us tonight at the Lion and Lobster at 8.30pm for some Friday night fun!

Check out for all the information and we look forward to seeing you there.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

And the winner is....

Drum roll please.....the winner of our competition for a Zapcat experience worth £100 courtesy of Extreme Element is Daveinbrighton. We don’t have your full name so please get in touch so we can get your prize to you.

Congratulations! We hope you will have an amazing time and that you will send us some photos of you enjoying your day.

Keep visiting us; when there are other competitions we will be posting them here!

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Competition Closed!

Our competition to win a Zapcat experience worth £100 is now CLOSED!

Thank you to everyone who has entered, the winner will be announced tomorrow morning.

Monday 8 October 2012

Last call for all adrenalin junkies....

This is the final reminder that our amazing competition closes tomorrow, so this is your last chance to win a Zapcat experience worth £100.

Check out our earlier blog post for all the details on how to enter and remember, the more involved you get in Social Scenes the more chances you have of winning.

We will be announcing the winner of the competition at 9.00am on Wednesday 10th October 2012 so make sure you come back then to see if you have won.

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Charity starts at home!

As you all know, Social Scenes is based in Brighton and is about making the most of all the fun activities and things to do that this great city has to offer. What we are also only too aware of is that not everyone is as fortunate as we are and as we approach Christmas (yes, I have dared to say the ‘C’ word in October) the season of good will to all men Social Scenes want to do our bit to help.

Off the Fence is a homeless charity based in the Brighton and Hove area. They do amazing work providing help and support to homeless people, but as is the case with most charities they wish they could do more.

Social Scenes is busy thinking of an event we can hold to raise money for this wonderful charity so any ideas, please comment below, we would love to hear them.

In the meantime, if you want to help and have any spare men’s coats, jumpers, socks or sleeping bags that you would like to donate Off the Fence would be more than happy to take them off your hands.

To find out more about Off the Fence, or to donate your time or money check out their website

Thursday 27 September 2012

World of Wine Tour

Do you love wine? Do you love its smell? Its colour? Its taste?

Well now that Tor from Fabfrocks has told us all what to wear for a wine tasting, it would be rude not to have organised one for you to enjoy.

Join us on 20th October at The Bolney Estate, Bookers vineyard for an autumn visit to taste exquisite wines and learn about the process from vine to wine. According to the vineyard the best time to see what happens is during the “vendage” of harvest towards the end of October, so there will be plenty to see and taste.

Tickets will cost £18.00 to include the tour and some tastings, however the restaurant will be open if you would like to buy and try more wine.
For more details check the website at

Wednesday 26 September 2012

We Love Brighton...and they love us!

The word is spreading about the fun that is to be had by joining Social Scenes. 

We Love Brighton have flagged us up as a Brighton venture to keep an eye on, see the article here;

We Love Brighton tell locals and visitors the best places to go and the best things to do in Brighton and we couldn't be happier to be included in that round-up.

So as well as our website, our Facebook page and our blog you can now see what events we have going on by checking out their website as well.

Today Brighton, tomorrow the world!

Monday 24 September 2012

What to wear for a wine tasting

Wine tastings are fairly classy affairs, so this makes your favourite jeans a no-no. I recommend a nice sundress, or a pair of smart trousers with a top instead. When dressing for a wine tasting my rule of thumb is to look casual but polished and sophisticated.

Are you a spiller? If you’re as clumsy as me, then it’s probably best to wear a dark colour up top: lighter colours will showcase every single red wine stain! This tea dress is the perfect solution. Also remember to wear flat shoes, or shoes you feel comfortable in: most wine tasting events take place stood up, so you don’t want to spend all day worrying about your feet.

Final tip: Don’t forget to carry a pocket mirror and a mint or even pocket toothbrush: noone wants to be smiling their biggest red wine smile all night!

Floral tea dress, Topshop, £55
Red pumps,, £51
Red silk pashmina, Debenhams, £6
Tote bag, Accessorize, £38
Red leather gloves, Accessorize, £22
Black leggings, Topshop, £18

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Still calling all adrenalin junkies....

Don’t forget our amazing competition to win a Zapcat experience worth £100 ends on 9th October; remember the more involved you get in Social Scenes, the more chances you get to win!

See our post below for full details and how to enter.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

What to wear for a bike ride

You wouldn't have thought that you would have to think too much about what to wear for an event as casual as a bike ride, would you? But every event is an occasion to make a good first impression, and that means it’s important to think about what you’re wearing, no matter what you’re doing!

For a bike ride, being comfortable is key: no matter how great you look in that pencil skirt, you’re never going to be able to ride a bike in it! Instead opt for loose but well fitting cropped trousers in a dark and breathable fabric; that way if you perspire as you ride, no one will ever know!

What you wear up top really is up to you: this is where you’re free to express your personality! T shirt, cardigan, vest or sweater: they all make great cycling clothes, so the choice really is up to you!

Accessories wise, wear jewellery that won’t rattle around and get on your nerves. But remember to wear flat shoes and carry an across-body bag for ultimate cycling ease!

Converse trainers,, £68
Black cropped trousers, River Island, £29.99
Yellow crew neck cardigan, House of Fraser, £20
Red across body bag, BHS, £14
Red sunglasses, Topshop, £22
Sequin mesh bracelet, Topshop, £10

Monday 17 September 2012

What to wear for an evening at a jazz club

Guest fashion blogger Tor from Fabfrocks will be letting us all know what to wear for various occasions.

Deciding what to wear for a night out is one of the most exciting, and also nerve-wracking, parts of an evening. For some people it can take weeks of preparation. For others it’s a quick five minute decision. But if you follow this simple formula you can have the best of both worlds: all the style of looking like you’ve been preparing for weeks, with the ease of getting ready in minutes.

For a glamorous evening event, such as an evening at a jazz club, you really can’t go wrong with a timeless classic. Yes, I’m thinking of the LBD (Little black dress). The most important fashion purchase you will ever make is your dream LBD: one that flatters your figure and highlights your best bits.

The key to getting this right is to think about what parts of your body you like and dislike most. So if you have great legs opt for a shorter hemline. And if you don’t like your bingo wings choose a dress with sleeves. Always try on a dress before you buy it and remember not to give up: you could have to try on 100 dresses, but when you find the right one you’ll know! You only have to find it and buy it once. And the right dress will make you feel so much more confident when you go out to meet new people.

Once you’ve got your dress as a base, use the rest of your outfit to inject some personality and show off your individual sense of style; add accessories in your favourite colour, or those glitzy shoes you just couldn’t resist buying!

This season metallics are bang on trend, so if you want to look uber-fashionable, opt for accessories in different shades of gold and silver. Then you’re ready to hit the town and have a great night out!

Black tunic dress, Monsoon, £95
Stone collar necklace, Topshop, £28
Studded toe cap court shoes, Dune, £90
Black blazer, River Island, £45
Black and gold clutch bag, River Island, £30

Friday 14 September 2012

What to wear.....

Here at Social Scenes, we know that when you meet new people you want to make a good first impression and to look your best. That’s why we’ve teamed up with top fashion blogger Tor from Fabfrocks who will guide you through what to wear for the following occasions:
  • An evening at a jazz club
  • Wine tasting
  • A bike ride
Tor will write a guest post each day starting Monday, so be sure to come and visit then.
Sorry guys, this one is just for the ladies, but you won’t be left out for long, keep visiting for more top tips and ideas for meeting new people and making friends.

Thursday 13 September 2012

Calling all adrenalin junkies......

Whether you’re already a huge fan of extreme sports or you just fancy giving it a try then this competition is most definitely for you. Our friends at Extreme Element have donated a £100 voucher for a Zapcat experience in Brighton or any other activity of your choice to the same value.

You’ll be pleased to know that entering the competition to win this amazing prize couldn’t be easier; all you have to do is join SOCIAL SCENES and get involved. Everyone that signs up on our website gets an entry into the draw. Every event you participate in gets you another entry and one for every friend you invite from the events page. You get a further entry for each friend that registers on the site. The more friends you tell and the more you get involved in SOCIAL SCENES the more chances you get to win the prize, as well as meeting some great new people and making some great new friends.

It’s free to join SOCIAL SCENES so what are you waiting for? Sign up and get involved today!

The competition closes on 9th October 2012.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

The launch in pictures

They say a picture paints a thousand words and so what better way to illustrate what a fantastic day the launch on Sunday was. The sun was shining; a great crowd turned up to get involved and brilliant fun was had by all.
We’ve had some really lovely comments about what we do here at Social Scenes and we are thrilled to see that so many of you have signed up.
Remember, the more proactive you are and the more you participate the more you will get out of Social Scenes. Don’t be shy, you’ve done the hard part and joined. Why not suggest an event or a gathering?
Looking forward to seeing you all again soon!

Friday 7 September 2012

Let the games begin!

The Social Scenes launch is finally upon us and we couldn’t be more excited. The official launch starts at 1pm tomorrow at the Rotunda Cafe in Preston Park and it’s not too late for you to join us, in fact, the more the merrier.

Our jazz picnic in the park is open to everyone; there will be bubbly and nibbles, award winning jazz music, giant outdoor games and so much more.

Everyone is welcome to join Social Scenes, the place to make new friends, enjoy new experiences and have fun.

The weather forecast is looking great so fingers crossed for a lovely picnic in the park.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

How to make friends on Social Scenes

One of the nice things about the online world is the chance to meet people you might not get the chance to meet in the real world. To show members of Social Scenes that you are serious about developing new friendships, you have to make contact with them. You also have to be authentic and polite.
Make Contact -Just because you’ve put your profile up on SOCIAL SCENES doesn’t necessarily mean that you are going to instantly begin building new relationships. Yes, people may see your profile, but if you don’t actively participate in the site, you probably won’t get very far. Use the site’s features to your advantage. Introduce yourself, communicate and interact in discussions, make contact with new members as they join, and above all – be friendly.

Be Authentic -Make sure you come across as a genuine person when using SOCIAL SCENES. Your profile should not be generic, let your personality shine.

Remember everyone is different - Every person has their own style and boundaries. This doesn’t mean that one person will be a better friend to you than another, just remember every person is different and friendships will develop and grow differently too.

Be Patient - Making friends takes time and patience. There are a diverse range of people using SOCIAL SCENES with different commitments and work schedules, just because they are not available as often as you are it doesn’t mean that they don’t want to communicate with you. Be friendly and happy when you do make contact.

Above all else, remember SOCIAL SCENES is about having fun and turning our online friendships into offline ones. So get in touch and join us for one of our great social events.

Monday 3 September 2012

Top 10 ice breakers

Sometimes it is difficult to know what to say when meeting new people.
This guide of our top 10 ice breakers should help:
  1. SMILE – it will make you appear open and friendly
  2. SAY HELLO – sounds simple, but what better way to start a conversation?
  3. INTRODUCE YOURSELF – try to do this early on in the conversation as it may be awkward to drop it in later on.
  4. OFFER A COMPLIMENT – only do this if it sounds sincere, you do not want to offend someone you have only just met.
  5. SUGGEST A DRINK – if you are in a social setting suggest a drink as it will keep the conversation going for you to get to know one another better.
  6. ASK QUESTIONS – people often feel at ease when they are answering questions about themselves. Try to make some questions open ended as this provides an opportunity to discuss.
  7. COMMENT ON YOUR SURROUNDINGS – although quite a neutral topic of conversation it can open up a discussion about other places they go to and the things they like to do.
  8. BE CAREFUL WITH JOKES – while humour is a great way of making friends, be careful that any jokes you offer aren’t offensive or rude.
  9. LISTEN – try not to hog the conversation, it should be a two way street.
  10. HAVE FUN – above all else, try not to over think things and just enjoy chatting to a new person and the opportunity to make a new friend.
Now you just have to sign up to SOCIAL SCENES and start attending some of our great events to put the ice breakers into practice.

Friday 31 August 2012

How to make new friends

For some people, talking to new people and making new friends is the most natural thing in the world. For others, it really isn’t that easy and can make them feel quite anxious.
True, it isn’t always easy making new friends but there are things you can do to attract people to you and get a good conversation going.
Watch your BODY LAUNGAUGE. Crossed arms, backs turned to people and fidgeting can really send out the wrong message. Keep your head up, make eye contact and above all smile. People really respond to happy people.
Not all conversations have to be deep and meaningful, sometimes SMALL TALK is a great way to get a conversation going and make you feel at ease.
Try and talk to people with COMMON INTERESTS this will immediately make conversation flow more easily and you will always have a topic of conversation to fall back on should other chat dry up.
Above all else, remember SOCIAL SCENES are here to help. We want all our members to have amazing fun and cultivate great new friendships and that’s why all our events are informal and welcoming and above all else inclusive.

Monday 20 August 2012

The place to be "Scene"

Have you ever moved to a new town or city where you don’t know anyone? Have you recently found yourself single or surrounded by friends who have paired off and are having babies? Ever spent your weekends alone wishing you had more like minded friends? Do you want to expand your circle of friends but not really sure where to start?

Well, worry no more, Social Scenes is here!

I found myself in this exact position when I returned to the UK having spent years abroad. Many of my friends had moved on, and I wanted to make new like minded friends with whom I could spend my evenings and weekends doing the things I loved to do. I set up Social Scenes to banish the boredom, to engage with people I wouldn’t have met through work or other friends and to try activities I might never have tried on my own.

Social Scenes is warm and friendly and everyone is welcome, no matter your age, race, sex or background. Today we all have hundreds of friends in the online world; Social Scenes helps bring online friendships offline and into the real world, it really is the perfect place to meet your true friends of the future.
It’s free to sign up and participate on the Social Scenes website, so you really have nothing to lose by having a browse. And trust me; you’ll start to wonder why you didn’t look for us earlier!

Tuesday 31 July 2012

Social Scenes launches in Brighton

Social Scenes – Launch in Brighton 26th Aug
Hello there, this is my first ever blog and I am a little apprehensive. 
What if no one is interested in what I have to say?  What if no one reads it?  Worse still, what if I get negative comments?  These are all questions and fears that I have but as the book says “Feel the fear and do it anyway” so here I am.

I am very happy to launch my new website “Social Scenes” where you can make new friends and have fun, in Brighton on the 26th August.

With thousands of people who are single, divorced, separated, lonely, new to the area or just plain bored you shouldn’t have a reason not to go out or have fun. So where do you go to meet people to have fun ? It is not so easy if all your friends are married or with partners or living in another place.  Being in one of the above groups I know it is not so easy to meet people to go out with which is why I have set up this site and made it FREE to use.

There are some single clubs or adventure groups but you normally have to pay for membership and with money tight at the moment that could be an issue.You may be a single mum or dad who would like to arrange some things to do with the children or you may be single and want to try your hand at something completely new and would like to do it with other people with the same interests. Whatever your reason I hope that my site will have the solution to your problem.

The website is designed so  you could connect up with other like-minded people in your area and organise events  or simply join in with events that have been organised by Social Scenes or other members would that be of interest.   Some of the events will be free, others will have a small charge and some will be holidays or activities with a higher price, but whatever your entertainment or fun budget I am sure there will be something for you to be able to do.  

If not, my website enables you to just suggest something of your own to our members, be that a daily morning walk for exercise,  coffee, lunch, rounder’s, picnic or dinner etc. 

So what would be your perfect weekend be?  Make it happen and tell us all about it.

Don’t forget to check out our site and tell all your friends and book onto the launch Picnic on the 26th August..
